Introduction:: Leprosy affecting the nerve solely or with concomitant skin lesions is not an uncommon condition in clinical practice. It is responsible for extensive morbidity and often poses a diagnostic challenge. This study aims to highlight the clinicopathological features of Hansen's neuritis (HN). Materials and Methods:: In this retrospective study, cases of histologically diagnosed HN, from January 2010 to July 2017, were reviewed in the light of clinical features, treatment history, and outcome. Results:: There were 18 cases of HN which accounted for 3.97% of total nerve biopsy samples (n = 453) and 0.02% of total histopathology samples (n = 81,013). The male: female ratio was 5:1 in the cases of HN. Age range was 2079 years with a mean age of 42.4 years (standard deviation: 14.03). Among the HN cases, there were 13 cases of pure neuritic leprosy (61.1%). Mononeuritis multiplex was the most common finding in the nerve conduction study. Six (33.3%) cases exhibited histological features of borderline tuberculoid leprosy, followed by five (27.8%) cases of mid-borderline features, three (16.7%) cases each of borderline lepromatous and burnt-out HN, and one (5.6%) case of polar tuberculoid leprosy. Lepra bacilli were detected on Fite-Faraco stain in 44.4% cases. Conclusion:: Diagnosis of HN depends on astute search for skin lesions, nerve thickening or tenderness, sensory or motor symptoms, histopathological examination, and demonstration of lepra bacilli.
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