A 42-year-old female presented with sudden onset severe headache without loss of consciousness 4 days back. Non-contrast computed tomography scan of the brain showed subarachnoid hemorrhage, and angiography showed a wide-necked aneurysm in the right middle cerebral artery (MCA) bifurcation, incorporating the superior division of right M2 MCA and another small aneurysm in the inferior division of right M2 MCA. Because of the wide-necked ruptured aneurysm and another in the inferior division of right M2 MCA, braided stent-assisted coiling (Leo baby) with shelving was done to protect both the aneurysms and to protect the superior branch of M2 MCA. The patient tolerated the procedure well and had an uneventful recovery. In this report, we have also reviewed and discussed the challenges, advantages, and disadvantages of the newly discovered shelving technique with a braided stent for wide-necked bifurcation aneurysms.
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