In patients with meningiomas, the presence of skull invasion is known to be a predictor of aggressive clinical behavior, which may negatively influence patient outcomes. In the present report, we discuss a case of fibrous meningioma with skull invasion. A 42-year-old woman was referred to our department presenting with hyperostosis in the right parietal bone. T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging with gadolinium enhancement revealed prominent enhancement of the intraosseous lesion and dura mater. Following the removal of the tumor body and bone lesion, we performed immunohistochemical staining for osteopontin (OPN), matrix metalloproteinase- 2 (MMP2), and integrin -1 (CD29). The tumor body was immunoreactive for OPN and CD29, but not MMP2, whereas, the bone lesion was immunoreactive for all the three antigens. The present case suggests that OPN, MMP2, and CD29 play key regulatory roles in bone invasion.
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