Medulloepithelioma is an extremely rare PNET in late adolescence and adults with only two cases noted in literature. These are WHO grade IV tumors with dismal prognosis. Only few cases survived beyond 5 months. We report a rare case of supratentorial medulloepithelioma in a 17 year old girl. She had presented with right sided weakness, headache and vomiting. Imaging showed an enhancing mass lesion in left parietal region which undergone gross total resection. After surgery, her headache, vomiting and right sided weakness improved. On histopathology, the tumor had characteristic trabecular, ribbon and palisaded arrangement with brisk mitotic activity, necrosis and calcification. Immuno-histochemistry revealed positivity for Synaptophysin, Vimentin and EMA while GFAP was negative. MIB-1 labeling was very high. Patient received postoperative radiotherapy. On follow up after 14 months, she was clinically asymptomatic with no recurrence on imaging.
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