Objective:: The objective of this study is to assess the prevalence of sleep disorders among children aging between 4 and 9 years using Hindi version of Pediatric Sleep Questionnaire (PSQ). Methods:: This study had two parts first, translation and validation of PSQ into Hindi language, and second, assessment of the prevalence of sleep disorders using PSQ Hindi version. Hindi PSQ was distributed in randomly chosen primary schools in a semi-urban area. The children were requested to get them filled by their parents. When the questionnaires were returned, responses were analyzed. Results:: Most of the items of the Hindi version had perfect agreement with original questionnaire in a bilingual population ( =1). Totally, 435 children were included in the field study having average age of 6.3 years. Obstructive sleep apnea was reported in 7.5% children; symptoms suggestive of restless legs syndrome were reported by 2%3%; teeth grinding by 13.9% and sleep talking by 22.6% children. Conclusion:: PSQ Hindi version is a validated tool to screen for sleep disorders among children. Sleep disorders are fairly prevalent among young children in India.
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