Introduction:: The aim of this study is to assess the efficacy of intraoperative indocyanine green videoangiography (ICG-VA) using postoperative digital subtraction angiography (DSA) in clipped anterior circulation aneurysms. Materials and Methods:: A prospective study was conducted for 1 year which included thirty patients of anterior circulation aneurysm treated by clipping of aneurysm. Intraoperative ICG-VA was performed on all the patients. Postoperative DSA was performed to assess the efficacy of ICG-VA. Results:: Intraoperative ICG-VA revealed the occlusion of aneurysm in all the thirty patients. Postoperative DSA revealed aneurysm neck remnant in two patients and demonstrated no branch occlusion. Conclusions:: Intraoperative ICG-VA is useful in assessing the completeness of clipping of cerebral aneurysms and ensures patency of branch vessels, thus providing a better postoperative outcome. It replaces the need for invasive postoperative angiographic imaging in a selected group of patients and is also cost effective.
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