The uncertainty of the pandemic and rapid changes brought forth stressors for young adults as learning shifted to the online mode and most recreational activities required screen time. The objective was to evaluate the effectiveness of video-based diaphragmatic breathing relaxation technique in reduction of stress levels amongst young adults during COVID-19 pandemic. A quasi-experimental design with a sample size of 30 young adults undertook pre- and post-tests of subscale of Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale 21-items (DASS-21), negative emotion questionnaire, and hair cortisol concentration through enzyme-linked-immunosorbent assay technique. The findings indicate that there was a reduction in stress levels as majority of the items on the stress subscale of DASS-21 revealed lower stress at significant level. In addition, post-intervention participants reported a reduction in experience of negative emotions. Therefore, indicating that the diaphragmatic focused video-based intervention was effective in lowering stress and negative emotions.
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