
Endoscopic Intraventricular Atrial Adhesiolysis for the Treatment of Entrapped Temporal Horn after ntraventricular Tumor Surgery.

Abuzayed, Bashar Alawneh, Khaled Al Qawasmeh, Majdi Raffee, Liqaa


A 21-year-old male patient was operated for third ventricle tumor (central neurocytoma) and showed improvement in the early postoperative period. After 2 weeks of surgery, the patient neurologic status deteriorated with acute decreased level of consciousness. Neuroimaging of the brain revealed entrapped left temporo-occipital horns with adhesion bands at the level of the atrium. Patient was operated with neuronavigation-guided endoscopic approach to the left atrium through the left posterior parietal region. Band adhesiolysis was performed with no complications. The patient showed fast improvement, and follow-up brain magnetic resonance imaging after 2 years showed the release of the ventricular entrapment with significant regression of the left ventricle size.

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